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Monday, April 25, 2016

Justice Wins!!! US Appeals Court Rules Tom Brady A Cheater. Four Game Suspension Reinstated.

                                       Today US Law has showed us justice still exists. In a ruling that was surprising to some, not me of course, US Appeals court rules that Commissioner Goodell was 100% within the parameters of the contracts signed by both Brady and NFL owners to punish Brady for cheating or for really any violation for that matter.
                                       Brady now has essentially 3 options at this point,

  1. Appeal To The 2nd Circuit Appeals.
  2. Appeal To The Supreme Court.
  3. Admit He Cheated Publicly And Plead To Goodell For A Lesser Sentence.
Option one would be appealing to the rest of the judges in the circuit court, there is a total of 10, 3 of the judges just ruled in favor of the NFL. Brady would need 6 of the remaining 7 to agree to the appeal. The Supreme Court is very unlikely to hear this case so the first two options usually have a less than 3% chance of happening so if you are a gambler, don't bet on it. Seeing how Goodell already gave Brady his chance to do option 3, I think this will not be on the table again. So as it looks Brady will be punished for cheating after all.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Pats Fans Sue to Get Draft Pick Back, Cite ‘emotional distress’ Give Me a Break

                                                                                     via the Boston Herald

7 Patriots fans hailing from Florida, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, as well as a lawyer from Maine representing them, have decided to file suit against the NFL to try and get back the Patriots draft picks which they lost because of  Deflategate.

I myself am an irrational Patriots fan but something like this is embarrassing to fans like me. No wonder why people loathe Patriots fans so much. Patriots fans need to come to the realization that they are never getting those draft picks back. Personal opinions aside on Deflategate, unfortunately many teams in the league have been unfairly punished without due process. I think most fans need to realize that this is entertainment and to believe that there would be due process from a company that provides this service is foolish.

Seth Carey, the attorney from Maine has alleged that team owner Robert Kraft violated the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act. After reading "A basic guide to the law" on essentially it says that it really just all "depends" on if a court believes a business violated this law by using "unfair or deceptive business practises," So I ask myself: Are they suing Robert Kraft and the Patriots or are they suing the NFL? Do these fans realize that by suing they NFL they are also suing the team that they root for? I mean it's the reason Kraft didn't appeal, firstly because I'm sure he knew doing so would be waste of time, and secondly because Kraft said that he wouldn't do so for "the good of the 32."

Then we have this Pats fan Todd Orsatti, which has said his daughter is now "bitterly jaded because of the whole odreal." He states that "She will no longer go to games with me because she thinks the games are fixed by the NFL. She has talked about finding another team, which has left Orsatti 'devasted'"

Hey Todd, sit down, take a deep breath, and cool out my man. Your 7 year old daughter will be fine, after all she's from New England. Be a good father from the region and tell her she has no other choice.